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            balmuda资讯NEWS CENTER



            主页 > balmuda资讯 > BALMUDA故障 >


            作者:巴慕达维修 发布时间:2021-07-21 00:01:01点击:

              I am using it now.360Antivirus,But I feel that I will kill industrial control software.,Unreliable,I don't know which kind of anti-virus,Brought?

              answer:Work control people are related to working nature,The software installed on your computer is relatively large.,More than,There is inevitable between software,So usually use two computers。A notebook installation common software,Today update the virus database,Another desktop can try new software,Do not install anti-virus software,If you have any questions, reload the system,Take it with you when debuggingUThe disk is fine.。The virus itself is also a procedure,Let's make a virus,On the side worry about poisoning,It is very contradictory.,Can understand BALMUDA烤箱售后服务 the landlord!

              I have changed several computers.,Only one desktop in virus,Lost a system file,But I didn't reload it.,Just copying a system file on another computer and recovering,Ha ha,I want to see if the virus has more harmful people.!

              1、Just rush。Industrial control machine is dedicated to industrial process control,Generally not connected to the internet,Don't play the game。The industrial computer strictly eliminates the software that is not related to the project control。

              2、If you use anti-virus software to use anti-virus software for real-time monitoring,Will affect the running speed of the system。

              3、Can be maintained in equipment,Can apply Jiangmin anti-viral software to kill。note,Be a good backup before anti-virus,just in case。

              4、Anti-virus software installed in the industrial computer does not perform real-time monitoring。

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