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          balmuda资讯NEWS CENTER



          主页 > balmuda资讯 > BALMUDA故障 >


          作者:巴慕达维修 发布时间:2021-10-01 00:01:01点击:

            No matter how the BALMUDA手冲壶维修网点 technology of your home appliance repair,If you only rely on a single maintenance home appliance, you can't meet the rent.、Hydropower costs and labor salary!

            According to my observation and discover,Nowadays, the people in this industry also concluded their own brand appliances.,People are relatively more inclined to buy home appliances they sell,Because they know how to repair home appliance technology,Once a fault occurs,For reputation and business,Will get a timely repair。The entire home appliance repair industry has suffered from practitioners in recent years.,Tutorned abandoned people are not in a small number,I think I have the following points.。

            One、Electrical appliances are getting cheaper,Integration is getting higher,The higher the repair difficulty, the income is getting lower and lower。Customers can more BALMUDA加湿器在那修 maintenance,Buy cheap to buy cheap。

            two、Facade BALMUDA电风扇售后网点 retail is not good,In the strong attack of the Internet shop, the store owners who sell electrical appliances on the street in these years.,no way,You open a store cost。

            three、Given age40too much,It is recommended not to engage in home appliance repair.。I have known this.,Repair,Time fee energy,Turning a lot of time, don't want to be good。Go to the countryside,Staying up late, farming, is a frequent event,Of course, you may say that the repair will be asked,What is the problem??

            four、In general, this industry is currently not satisfactory.,To think twice。But any industry has people do the water,Home appliance repair is nothing more than some people do well,The most important thing is still to rely on your own perseverance,The so-called three hundred and sixty lines,Excellent champion!

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