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            balmuda资讯NEWS CENTER



            主页 > balmuda资讯 > BALMUDA故障 >


            作者:巴慕达维修 发布时间:2022-02-21 00:01:02点击:

              According to reports,Smart meter has high precision than ordinary meter、Remote information、Balance alarm、Convenient payment、Power-off recovery feature,Remote monitoring,Is an important part of the smart grid。

              For residents,The biggest benefit of smart meters is to get at any time to view electricity and electricity at home.,Easy to plan itself,Easy to save BALMUDA加湿器故障代码 electricity bills。however,The fact is not satisfactory.,After installing the smart meter,It's not to save electricity.,But use electricity to soar、Smart meter will steal such negative news。

              “Our residents here reflect,After changing the new smart meter,The electricity consumption in the home has increased many,Will there be a problem with smart meters?”Many residents seem to increase the increase in electricity consumption in installation of smart meters.,The smart meter has begun to become a topic of everyone.。

              Some citizens are used to driving a water heater for a long time,Lotion of power switch, etc. when you sleep at night, etc.。After BALMUDA电水壶常见问题 installing a smart meter,Citizens query electricity through points,It can be found that the power consumption when the appliance is not in use.,It can also calculate the actual electricity consumption of each appliance.,Thus, find out the power consumption,and“Underworld”Save electricity。Power supply company staff this paragraph,Don't give a reasonable explanation of residents,In the eyes of the resident,Smart meter seems to be installed at home“Electric consumption”

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