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            balmuda资讯NEWS CENTER



            主页 > balmuda资讯 > BALMUDA故障 >


            作者:巴慕达维修 发布时间:2022-06-01 00:01:02点击:


              Shift door safety protection should pay attention to the following11point!

              1、Fixed glass door fan in the automatic door、Active glass door sector on awakening,To avoid colliding automatic door glass。

              2、Don't stop your footsteps in the automatic door opening state,So from free to clip。

              3、Do not force through the automatic door during the closure process,To avoid being BALMUDA手冲壶维修 caught。

              4、sensor、Do not touch the automatic door,To avoid power leakage caused dangerous。

              5、Don't let children play near the door,Please bring your child,To avoid danger of door induction switch。

              6、Remember the power of the automatic door when cleaning the automatic door or handling items,To avoid danger。

              7、Automatic door,Don't force your door to open the door,To avoid damage。

              8、Do not place friction around BALMUDA加湿器维修 the automatic door、Mind the object of the door,Normal switch affects the door。

              9、It is necessary to keep clean in the chassis,Syndrove damaged door body and glass。

              10、Don't hang up,The object such as the plant is in the wind and swinging of the sensor monitoring range.,Automatic door in the rabbit。

              11、Regular cleaning chassis,To ensure smooth operation。

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