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          作者:巴慕达维修 发布时间:2021-12-06 00:01:01点击:

            Whether it is remotely controlled air conditioner,Also automatically adjust the 巴慕达手冲壶在那修 light of the light,They are all isolated individuals,Can only be called smart 巴慕达净化器在那修 home appliances,To achieve smart home,Required to make all the smart home appliances in the home through the wireless network into a harmonious operation system,And access the Internet to analyze data,To achieve more intelligent automation。

            Current domestic smart home appliances,Most of them are traditional home appliances,These companies have experienced experience in home appliances,However, it is not enough for the construction of the wireless network module and the understanding of the Internet.,Produced products“intelligent”Functional,Operation settings are very complex,Generally I can also connect to the Internet,User experience is very unsatisfactory。

            Internationally,There is still another trend now,That is the Internet 巴慕达加湿器售后服务 high-tech company to do smart home,Although the manufacturing of hardware and other hardware such as home appliances is not enough,However, it has a deep understanding of intelligence.,Typical example is Google32Yugi dollars acquired smart home companiesNest Labs,Improve smart home field。

            with the development of technology,Intelligent requirements are getting higher and higher,The production of big data and cloud computing, etc., makes smart home must rely on internet networks,Regardless of the home appliance company and Internet company to seek cooperation or acquire each other,Only hardware production and Internet access are complete,Smart home can land。

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