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            作者:巴慕达维修 发布时间:2021-04-25 00:30:02点击:

              we know,The process of power is actually the conversion process of energy.,For example, wind energy is converted into electrical energy,Solar energy conversion into electric energy, etc.。Then,What if you step on the energy of the ground into power energy??



              It is reported that,The Pavan footsteps realizes this feature,And lay on the streets between shopping malls20Pavan Tile。

              According to estimation,People's life is going1500A million steps,If the quality of the pedestrians is60kg,The contact area of each shoe and the ground is200cm2,The pressure of this brick to bear the pressure of this brick is29400pa。among them95%Energy can store three days in lithium ion polymer cells in the ground brick。Can be used to power other devices,Such as street lights、Display、Signal light or speaker, etc.。


              Pavan footsteps power generation system floor tile

              If this street is on the streets300Ten thousand,And these footsteps are all utilized,300The electric BALMUDA台灯常见问题 energy generated by the Wankels can meet half of the external power demand of one shopping mall.。

              Look at the crowd on the street,my country can say that there is a natural advantage of footstep power generation system.。

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