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          balmuda资讯NEWS CENTER



          主页 > balmuda资讯 > balmuda维修 >


          作者:巴慕达维修 发布时间:2021-05-13 00:30:01点击:

            The DCS will continue to develop along the following trends in the future:

            (1) Development to the integrated direction: the development of standardized data communication links and communication networks,The various single (multi) loop regulators, PLC, industrial PC, NC, 等等。, is constitute a large system.To meet factory automation requirements,And adapt to open trends.

            (2) Development to intelligent direction: the development of database systems, reasoning functions, etc.In particular, the application of Knowledge Base System (KBS) and Expert System BALMUDA电风扇常见问题 (ES),Such as self-learning control, long distance diagnosis, self-seeking, etc.Artificial intelligence will be implemented at all levels of DCS.Similar to the FF fieldbus,The smart device based on the microprocessor such as intelligent I / O, PID controller sensor, transmitter, actuator, human-machine interface, and PLC have appeared successively.

            (3) DCS industry PCization: Composition DCS by IPC has become a major trend,PC is very common as a DCS operating station or node machine,PC-PLC, PC-STD, PC-NC, etc. is PC-DCS pioneer,IPC has become a hardware platform for DCS.

            (4) DCS 巴慕达电水壶在那修 Specialization: DCS is more suitable for applications in the respective fields,It is necessary to further understand the process and application requirements of the corresponding professional.To gradually form a nuclear power DCS,Substation DCS, 玻璃DC, 水泥BALMUDA手冲壶售后服务DCS, etc.

            • <i id='1k79xmp3'><tr id='etgkd1l5'><dt id='cfks1e99'><q id='ux6554qh'><span id='v1ab4fov'><b id='0wbgzh8q'><form id='imlngnlv'><ins id='sn1xum53'></ins><ul id='74z82czo'></ul><sub id='omhaacpy'></sub></form><legend id='qkdiz5ks'></legend><bdo id='8h0og4po'><pre id='n64gr5i7'><center id='07p374a3'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='q6v01bb7'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='c5oiquzi'><tfoot id='26zd9phu'></tfoot><dl id='9mya8ojg'><fieldset id='wcydtcx1'></fieldset></dl></div>

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                  1. 以上就是巴慕达中国售后服务DCS未了,更多BALMUDA巴慕达电器资讯尽在日本BALMUDA巴慕达加湿器维修电话_BALMUDA电风扇售后服务。

