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          balmuda资讯NEWS CENTER



          主页 > balmuda资讯 > balmuda维修 >


          作者:巴慕达维修 发布时间:2021-11-05 00:01:01点击:

            In traditional digital technology,Computer system is just a help of mankind,Humans still have to control the system。And the human-computer interaction of the new era requires subversive ways,We can name it as“Virtual engineering”,Virtual reality technology is just a virtual engineering tool。

            Virtual engineering provides a complete system view,Make developers、supplier、Manufacturers and users can use the same way to virtually use those items that have not yet exhibited,And make a comprehensive assessment based on its characteristics and functions。Computer is an infrastructure for calculating technology age,The virtual reality is the infrastructure of the virtual 巴慕达台灯维修 engineering era.,Next generation computing platform。

            The biggest value of virtual reality is,From this mankle to learn how to better use machines,But the machine is in turn to learn how to better serve people.。

            This will reshape all the rules of the entire business society,So today's virtual reality field entrepreneurs,Your golden era is coming.。The fourth industrial revolution will lead the acuteization of the entire human society.、flow、Concrete,This will bring the best survival soil to virtual reality technology.,Industrial Digital will enable all industrial products from the underlying design to digital,No longer need two simulation,This will greatly solve the content bottleneck problem of the first virtual reality industry.,Reduce the threshold of the industry。

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