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            balmuda资讯NEWS CENTER



            主页 > balmuda资讯 > balmuda维修 >


            作者:巴慕达维修 发布时间:2021-12-02 00:01:01点击:

              (1)Main station implementation fee。Depending on the user's payment information and user energy table data acquired by timed,Calculate the remaining electricity,When the remaining electricity is equal to or lower than the alarm threshold,Wave alarm notification by collecting system master or other means,Notify users to pay in time。When the remaining electricity fee is equal to or lower than the trip door limit,Dry trip control command by acquisition system master,Cut off。After the user 巴慕达加湿器常见问题 is praised,Allowable closing commands can be sent through the primary station,Allow closing。

              (2)Collection terminal implementation fee。According to the user's payment information,Main station will save electric energy rate period、Rate and fee control parameters(Including Purchase Power 巴慕达音箱维修网点 Single Number、Prepaid electricity、Parameters such as alarms and trip doors)Upset terminal and store。When you need to control the user,Feed the fee input command to the terminal,Terminal Timer Collect User Energy Table Data,Calculate the remaining electricity,The terminal executes alarms and trips, respectively, respectively, respectively, according to the alarm and trip threshold。After the user pays success,Allowable closing commands can be sent through the primary station,Allow closing。

              (3)Electrical energy table implementation fee。Pay according to user payment information,Main station will save electric energy rate period、Rate and fee control parameters(Including Purchase Power Single Number、Prepaid electricity、Parameters such as alarms and trip doors)Lower generation energy table and store。When you need to control the BALMUDA台灯维修网点 user,Feeding the fee input command to the power meter,Electrical energy measuring the remaining electricity bill in real time,The power meter is performed by the alarm and trip threshold, respectively, respectively, respectively.。After the user pays success,Allowable closing commands can be sent through the primary station,Allow closing。

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