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            balmuda资讯NEWS CENTER



            主页 > balmuda资讯 > balmuda维修 >


            作者:巴慕达维修 发布时间:2021-12-24 00:01:01点击:

              In the decoration construction 巴慕达加湿器售后网点 project,Acceptance should be performed after each type of work,Now inform you how to accept hydropower in the decoration?

              1、Strong electrical test

              use500VInsulation resistance meter test each loop insulation resistance value,At the same time, you can test the quality of the wire used.,Wires that are not up to standard may be broken;

              2、Weak electricity adopts special tool test

              Special network test tool test network8Can the core signal open?;Carrier copper shaft cable test tool,After passing the complete test of the multimeter, then stop the next construction work。

              3、Waterway 巴慕达电风扇故障代码 acceptance

              Water is finalized,Cold water tube is transformed with hose,Ensure that the cold and hot water pipe of the entire indoor pipe is maintained at the same time;Apparatus good pressure,Pressure is full of water,The air in the pipe is released,Make the entire loop all water;Close water meter and exterior gate valve(Be sure to maintain)。Then start pressing,The experimental value is the working BALMUDA电水壶维修网点 pressure1.5Multiplication,30Minutes do not seep,Pushing does not surpass0.05MPQualified;

              Remember that hydropower renovation is final ,Be sure to accept,When the construction of other projects, the problem has been found later.。

              The above points are matters that the electrician learning network Xiaobian is a need for hydropower renovation of the landlord to decoration.,Everyone must accept 巴慕达音箱故障代码 the acceptance after the completion of hydropower,To avoid unnecessary entanglement。

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