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            作者:巴慕达维修 发布时间:2022-01-08 00:01:02点击:

              Speaking of the multimeter is our 巴慕达加湿器售后网点 automatic person carrying"good friend",It's still necessary for this friend's temper.,Otherwise, this friend is small 巴慕达中国不工作 and temper.。

              This occurs15Year ago,A colleague is protected by leaders to repair a horizontal lathe.。The lathe is relay、Contactor control,He uses a simulated multimeter。Diagnostic faults in the process of repeated power and power-on measurement of voltage and resistance。Machine control principle is relatively simple,It is a righteous anti-car star start、Can realize the back point+Bicycle function、Control two motors,Three-phase circuit、220vControl voltage。

              Failure is not normal Star angle,When the exclusion process is in the process, the multimeter is in the resistance.,Measuring instantaneous 巴慕达净化器常见问题 table burning,Table pen triggers arc short circuit,Cause unit low pressure chief trip full workshop power off。Arc 巴慕达烤箱故障代码 short-circuit burn,Arc eye is not life-threatening。

              Hand burns after a few months later,Arc recovery after a few days。

              The main reason for this fault is that the multimeter is tested in the resistive gear.,Burning the sound of the multimeter, scare the operator,Table pen trigger short circuit。

              Nowadays, the digital multimeter is safe.,Resistance measurement voltage,Current file measurement voltages will not cause accidents that are burned by the meter,Table has protection functions。However, it is necessary to develop a good usage habit.,When you need to charge the measurement,Replacing 巴慕达台灯常见问题 the mesh file。

              Safety first,Civilized production。

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