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            balmuda资讯NEWS CENTER



            主页 > balmuda资讯 > balmuda维修 >


            作者:巴慕达维修 发布时间:2022-01-24 00:01:01点击:

              My mine main well belt centralized control system uses SiemensS7-300plccontrol,Upper warehouse adoptionET200SprinklePROFIBUS-DPCommunication and main stations for data exchange,Furthermore, the warehouse equipment。Suddenly one day, I stopped and stopped the button but the belt can't stop.,At first I thought the emergency stop button had problems,But by observation, the emergency stop signal can be given to the 巴慕达加湿器售后服务 submission.,So doubt and master communication interruption。Then start checking all aspects of the communication loop,There is no problem in hardware connection。Due to the distance between the primary station and the sub-station300Rice and running time5Long time,So the discouragement decided to changeDPcable,After replacing, observe it three days.,I thought the problem was solved.。The fourth day of the belt driver reflects the previous situation.,And there is no law,Reset after stopping, you can open it immediately,ObservedCPUThere is also no fault light action。Finally, I wrote a program of monitoring sub-stations in the program to find that the communication between the upper-bidding 巴慕达电水壶不工作 station and the main station caused the signal to be given the master.。Because hardware connection and cable are replaced with new,So considering BALMUDA电风扇售后服务 interference,Finally, after a few days of observation, I found that as long as the warehouse scraper is started, it will happen.,Determine。Constrained due to site conditions,Finally, I pulled a fiber alone.,Plus two modules to completely solve the problem。

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                    1. 以上就是巴慕达中国售后服务西门子PROFIBUS-D了,更多BALMUDA巴慕达电器资讯尽在日本BALMUDA巴慕达加湿器维修电话_BALMUDA电风扇售后服务。

