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          balmuda资讯NEWS CENTER



          主页 > balmuda资讯 > BALMUDA新闻 >


          作者:巴慕达维修 发布时间:2021-09-30 00:01:02点击:

            my country is an elevator manufacturing big country,It is also the largest country with elevators.。With the continuous improvement of manufacturing installation standards and test procedures,Elevator failure probability declines year by year。however,Elevator control systems still face a lot of problems,For example, many SMEs do not have core technology and innovation capabilities.,Simple elevator simply as a device,No system concept and overall solution;Elevator core parts price transparency,Product homogenization;Market 巴慕达烤箱在那修 competition and installation and maintenance personnel are conscientious and serious;As the equipment element is aging, the environment is BALMUDA台灯售后服务 deteriorated,Elevator control system security hazard will expose a 巴慕达电水壶售后服务 large number of times year;Climate environment is seriously deteriorated、Various problems such as control system software design defects and elevator life cycle。

            If you take a dealing with a single control technology,Elevator security will face a large number of uncertain system issues。and so,The priority principle of elevator faults should be humanistic care,First use various means,Such as emergency power supply to the car light、Play light music and tinning, etc.,Exemption of passengers in the face of death。Second,New technology integrated innovation emergency appliances such as wireless communications and networks should be used,Troubleshooting in the shortest time,For example, the emergency device uses SMS to automatically the fault elevator location、Number and other sent to repair company、Technical supervisor and BALMUDA净化器故障代码 property supervisors;Maintenance company in the shortest time to the scene,Troubleshoot;Elevator company monitoring network real-time 巴慕达加湿器售后网点 tracking fault processing;Fault processing stores product life management or lifecycle management database, etc.,This is especially important for export elevators.。

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