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            作者:巴慕达维修 发布时间:2021-12-17 00:01:01点击:

              Relay protection and automatic device technology future trends are to computerization,Networkization,Integrated development。The relay protection and microcomputerization of the automatic device are irreversible development trends.。Power system is constantly improving the requirements of relay protection and automated devices,In addition to the basic function of the device itself,It should also have a large capacity fault information and long-term storage space.,Fast data processing function,Powerful communication skills,Ability to share information and network resources with other relay protection and automated devices and distribution network sharing information and network resources。Computer networks have become the technical pillar of the information age as information and data communication tools.。To ensure the safety and stability of the system,This requires the data of each relay protection and automatic device sharing full system operation and fault information.,Each relay protection and automatic device coordinates the action on the basis of analyzing this information and data.,Ensure the safety and stability of the system。Obvious,Basic conditions to achieve this function are to join all system relay protection and automated devices.,That is, the network of relay protection and automatic device is realized.。This is completely possible under current technical conditions。Under the conditions of the computerization and networking of relay protection and automated devices,Relay protection and automatic device can obtain any 巴慕达加湿器不工作 information and data of power system operation and failure from the Internet,You can also transfer the information and data obtained to the network control center or any terminal.。therefore,Each relay protection and automatic device not only completes its own basic functions,And the measurement can also be completed without fault normal operation.、control、Data communication function,Realize protection、control、measuring、Data communication integrated。

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