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            主页 > balmuda资讯 > BALMUDA故障 >


            作者:巴慕达维修 发布时间:2022-01-27 00:01:01点击:

              The lamp flashes,Generally there are several reasons:

              1.It is the wiring of the switch and the 巴慕达电风扇维修网点 lamp or the wiring of the fire line is not strong.,Loosen the resistance to increase the resistance at the wiring,It is not normal when the voltage is voltage,Sometimes sometimes bright, sometimes。

              2.It is the 巴慕达电水壶维修 power supply voltage itself itself.,This person is unable to solve。

              3.It is when the switch is turned off.,The lamp will also have light,Not very bright,And it's also flashing,This BALMUDA烤箱故障代码 problem is very likely that you have no connection line.,Received this situation below:


              When you pick up the switch 巴慕达音箱在那修 to zero line,Even open switch,The lamp still has a voltage,Because there is a capacitor in the circuit,Will still form current,Thereby so that the lamp can still make a certain shining。The solution is to pick the switch BALMUDA手冲壶售后网点 to the fire line.,After disconnection,There will be no voltage on the lamp.,There will be no current.。

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